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Friday, May 6, 2011

Regarding the 'Arab Spring', see this MSNBC piece: Saudi Arabia scrambles to limit region’s upheaval
The Arab Spring began to unravel an alliance of so-called moderate Arab states, led by Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which were willing to work closely with the United States and promote peace with Israel. American support for the Arab uprisings also strained relations, prompting Saudi Arabia to split from Washington on some issues while questioning its longstanding reliance on the United States to protect its interests.
Whose interests exactly?  Is the President protecting American interests by encouraging dissent?

As regards Israel, a lot has been made about the recent meeting between Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu and their respective speeches, I recommend the following article from The New Republic: Yes, We Can’t - What Obama got right, and wrong, in his Middle East speech:
I listened in disbelief as he stated that, while there are those who believe that the regional instability of recent months makes a solution impossible for now, he believes the opposite is true. On what basis, Mr. President? From where I’m sitting in Jerusalem—watching Turkey turn Islamist and pro-Iranian, Lebanon being devoured by Hezbollah, Hamas legitimized by Fatah, the Muslim Brotherhood rising in Egypt, and Iran’s nuclear program proceeding apace—I would say that this is just about the worst time to try to entice an ambivalent Israeli into empowering his dovish side. At a time when Egyptian-Israeli relations—our only successful land for peace agreement—could be unraveling, Israelis are hardly likely to risk another withdrawal, this time from our most sensitive border, and without even the pretense of a peace agreement. 
The author, Yossi Klein Halevi, visited the desert a couple of years back as guest speaker at a local AIPAC meeting.

Then is this counter-view in The Jewish Journal: Is Obama good or bad for Israel? in which the author, David Suissa, argues:
Despite my misgivings, I had to recognize that Obama had said plenty of supportive things about Israel. As Ari Shavit summarized in Haaretz: “He blocked the Palestinian initiative to unilaterally establish a Palestinian state. He condemned the Palestinian effort to delegitimize Israel. He came out against Hamas. He did not demand a total and immediate freeze on settlement construction. He did not embrace the Arab peace initiative. He showed that he has internalized Israel’s security problems and defense concerns. Above all, he adopted the two main principles of Israel’s peace doctrine: Israel as a Jewish state and Palestine as a demilitarized state.”
Love him or hate him, that’s not a bad list.
This Jewish Journal article has embedded video of 2 speeches and the press conference between the 2 leaders.  There's also the Netanyahu Speech at the Joint Session of Congress - May 24, 2011.

See also the recent article: Obama and the quest for Mideast peace It concludes:
Is it any wonder Netanyahu is steaming and this president has the lowest approval rating among Israelis of any sitting American president?  Now, if only American Jews would wake up … 

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