Our regular meetings during the season are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m.
Look at http://www.scshca.com/Events_and_Activities/Calendar.htm to confirm.
Meeting announcements*, with suggested topics, can be found in the club's group archive (sign on req'd).

Monday, August 31, 2009

California sales tax / President Obama / the news / the Universe

The topics (or questions) for our Monday, September 14, meeting are:
  1. Should California which needs money pass a law to collect sales tax from internet sales to California residents? And charge out of state sales tax too? [sic]
  2. Obama opposition
  3. How do you get the news?
  4. What is our place in the Universe?
At the meeting:
  • items 2 thru 4 were deferred
  • a discussion was led by Pete Andersen about the HOA meeting that day and new nearby schools.
Meetings are set for 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, rather than every other week as previously. Next are October 5 and 19.

Regarding item #2:
article from Pete
Maureen Dowd , TNR: Tea'd Off, Newsweek's George Will: Why No One Believes Obama
It's been a big week for anti-anti-racism. Virtually the entire conservative world has waxed indignant about Jimmy Carter's suggestion that racism is responsible for the unusual virulence of anti-Obama sentiment.
video update:

Regarding item #4:
Newsweek: Aliens exist
From another blog of mine: a tale of two Drakes

Sunday, August 2, 2009

national health care / California sales tax

This was the covered topic for our Monday, August 17 (changed from the 10th), meeting:
  • What is the real Health Plan that is in Congress? Will it benefit us when it is passed? [sic]
See SCSHTD group (email archive) for past meeting notices. [It's been a privilege serving as chairman of the agenda committee. See my thoughts on that job. Also, see my entry on how SCPD does it.]

We touched on national health care recently. See my notes for our June 26 meeting.

I inquired with Lynn about when the homeowners would take control of the HOA. She replied as follows:
The governing documents do specify that the developer will lose 2 positions on the Board at the annual meeting following reaching 75% of the lots authorized in the tentative subdivision map being closed. Based on sales projections that I have been given by the developer that will not happen before the 2009 annual meeting but may happen prior to the 2010 annual meeting. I will be writing an article soon discussing the upcoming annual meeting as well as how all of this works as we progress from a majority of developer members on the board to a majority of homeowner members on the board.
And in the news ... some developers have walked away from their developments before completion. How has that affected the homeowners therein?

I gave an update from resident Don Hauser about a/c problems; see my updated entry for our June 26 meeting. As regards such problems elsewhere, you might wish to look at this anecdotal site.