Our regular meetings during the season are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m.
Look at http://www.scshca.com/Events_and_Activities/Calendar.htm to confirm.
Meeting announcements*, with suggested topics, can be found in the club's group archive (sign on req'd).

Thursday, May 27, 2010

June 7, 2010

Topics from the agenda committee:

1. What are your thoughts regarding the oil gusher in the Gulf?

2. Should government pay union pensions if the unions are unable? Ref: Wall Street Journal - 1 June 2010 - Union Pension Bailout!

3. postponed

4. postponed

5. June 8 ballot propositions

Topic #1: US EIA: Gulf Fact Sheet, Here's an essay from PBS about the oil spill in context of our relation to nature: The Gulf oil spill: A hole in the world . Also, see my entry on the subject, Limits on Power, in another blog of mine, the spare can.

Topic #5: Smartvoter

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 17, 2010

From the agenda committee:
  1. Was the Indio City Council correct to raise Ms. Adam’s salary? Ref: Desert Sun 5/8/10 Interim Indio city manager awarded 10% pay boost (116 comments); online article is followed by over 110 comments.
  2. Should the constitution be revised to no longer grant automatic citizenship to children born in this country of parents without citizenship? Ref. WSJ (Wall Street Journal) 5/10/10 Page A7 – “Immigration Debate Flares In Oklahoma”.
  3. What are your thoughts on having the US dollar once again backed by a gold standard in order to curtail federal deficit spending? Ref: WSJ opinion 5/7/10 page A17 “the Gold Standard- The Case For Another Look”.
  4. Should the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have autonomous control in granting permits for construction projects? Ref: WSJ 2/8/10 Page A6-“Permit Process Drags on US Mining Projects”.
  5. Should we acknowledge that the US is involved in a war on terror? Ref: WSJ opinion 12/28/09 “The Terror this Time
Topic #1: Desert Sun 5/18/10 update: Indio city manager search going well
The city received about 70 applicants for the position.