Our regular meetings during the season are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m.
Look at http://www.scshca.com/Events_and_Activities/Calendar.htm to confirm.
Meeting announcements*, with suggested topics, can be found in the club's group archive (sign on req'd).

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Islam / investing

The discussion topics for our July 28, 2008, meeting are:
  1. Is Islam a peaceful religion?
  2. Where should we invest our retirement dollars in this down market?
Regarding item #1:
One site you might consider: Jihad Watch

Regarding item #2:
Not inside your mattress.


Anonymous said...

Since it seems no one reads these blogs, let me wax eloquent about my contributions to this particular meeting. I spoke on the two topics as well as on the subject of the community website (formerly known as 'the portal').
About Islam, I claimed that the religion was hampered by the founding texts, the Koran and Hadith. I mentioned that 'taqqiya' (deception) is acceptable as a means to further Islam. Some others, justifiably, pointed out that many religions have been relied on to justify immoral violence of all kinds. It does seem as though Islam through many of its adherents, exemplifies the worst, in the present day.
Regarding investing in a down market, I pointed to a Motley Fool email I got about profiting from 'peak oil'. We then had a lengthy discussion about oil. Someone asked 'what does oil have to do with the stock market'. Another person answered that high fuel prices reduce profits which lower stock prices. Btw, there's a link in this blog to my other blog about Peak Oil.
It turns out that our topic chooser, Sidney Weiss, is on our community's Communications Committee, and the Committee is concerned about why our portal/website isn't being used more. There are a bunch of reasons.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Peak Oil, I also compared our economy to that of a starving living organism, where the fat gets depleted before the muscle. It ought not be hard to extend the analogy a little further to draw a conclusion.