Our regular meetings during the season are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m.
Look at http://www.scshca.com/Events_and_Activities/Calendar.htm to confirm.
Meeting announcements*, with suggested topics, can be found in the club's group archive (sign on req'd).

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 21, 2009

Besides the suggested topics, there was discussion about the budget deficit facing our city in present and future years. Some in the club think that SCSH residents should be better informed (through email) about city problems, and that would result in improved government. I say, don't bother. (Many would regard such email as spam.) But if you must, start a blog like the Claremont Insider. That blog has 87 posts that mention our Glenn Southard who was city manager in Claremont before arriving here. I note, however, that even intelligent blogs such as the Claremont Insider (and the bloggers who write them) run out of steam after awhile.
Indio City Council agendas, meeting packets, etc., can be read online at Indio.org.
Desert Sun: Cities, be frugal with broadcasts, Indio's credit card tab tops $805,000
  • The council meets at 5 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of the month.
  • Broadcast at 9 a.m. Fridays and 8 p.m. Saturdays on TW Channels 17 and 120.
There was some discussion about the effectiveness of the $700+ billion stimulus package and where the money went. I mentioned that the well-being of our economy depends on a healthy natural world. To my mind, economics is a subset of ecology, and we place ourselves (nevermind our progeny) at great peril as we use up the world's non-renewable resources. For more on this alternative view of our global economy, visit these pages from:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

December 7, 2009, meeting

Here's the meeting announcement* from Al:
As of this date [Nov. 25], I am not sure if Councilman Miller will be with us. So we have 4 topics for discussion assuming he does not come. If he does, we will do as many as time allows.
  1. Should the alleged 9/11 terrorists be subject to a military or civilian court? Why? Should the prisoners in Gitmo be housed there or should it be closed and the prisoners be brought to a prison in the U.S.?
  2. Do you think that the right lane on Jefferson at the entrance to Shadow Hills be made a mandatory right turn lane? If so, should our club start a petition drive to be presented to the HOA and the city of Indio to make it happen?
  3. Should the UN be reconstructed or should we just get out because it has been ineffective?
Also, 2 developer presentations are scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 3, at 4 and 5:30. Those will likely come up for discussion at our club's meeting on the 7th. ... The question came up again about the legality of golf carts driving on or crossing 40th street. One wonders if prospective buyers are informed about this unresolved problem. The executive golf course in Phase 3 opens to residents on 12/8 and to the general public in January.
CA law re golf carts: on Local Highways and Crossing Zones

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 9, 2009, meeting

Indio City Councilmember Glenn Miller was scheduled but could not attend the meeting; he was our guest speaker in April of 2008. Here are the covered topics*:
  1. Should a draft system be instituted for all men and women ages 18-25 for two years to serve their country in one of the following areas: (1) armed services, (2) medical, (3) peace corps, (4) school aide, (5) community organizer in the inner cities and any other area that volunteers would be helpful. As in the draft we had during World War II, those not able to participate due to physical, mental or economic conditions could apply for an exemption. Would you be in favor of such a program? Why or why not?
  2. Congress has been talking about extending the $8,000 tax credit or refund to first time home buyers. There have been proposals to also give repeat buyers who have had their home for at lease 5 years a smaller tax credit. How do you feel about this legislation?
  3. Is there established law concerning holiday displays in public places, and if so, does it also apply to quasi-public places like our own community?
Regarding item #3:
Newsweek: Jesus vs. Allah
Nativity scenes on public lands are illegal, rules the Supreme Court. Except when they're not.
The only reference I found in our governing documents to holiday displays is in our rules and regulations from Sept. 2007, where it states:
Exterior holiday decorations are permitted. The design and quantity of the decorations shall be in good taste, and the Design Review Committee, in its sole discretion, has the right to determine if such decorations are contrary to good taste. Exterior decorations may be put up no more than ten days prior to the holiday and must be removed within five days after the holiday, with the exception of Hanukkah or Christmas exterior decorative lights, which may be present between Thanksgiving Day and January 10th of the holiday season. Holiday decorations should not cause light glare or other safety hazards related to vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
Evidently, these restrictions are meant to apply to the outside of member homes, but could be taken as a guideline to displays in common areas such as clubhouse interiors.


  • We bloggers write this blog at our own behest. It contains our observations and recommended links regarding some of the topics covered at some of the club meetings.
  • The club leadership chooses and announces topics in advance of meetings. If you're a community resident and would like to get meeting notices, please submit your email address at one of our meetings or join the group's mailing list at Google Group SCSHTD. Once you start getting email notices from the club, you can suggest topics in email replies to the meeting notices. Alternatively, you can give a legible paper copy of the suggested topic to any officer of the club at one of our meetings. Topics are picked by an 'agenda committee', and club members volunteer to serve on that committee.
  • We apply 'labels' (or tags) to the blog entries in an attempt to categorize the topics; there's a click-able list of the labels on the right side of the blog.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

November 2, 2009, meeting

Here are the announced topics*:
  1. An Iraq war veteran doesn't have enough to deal with fighting sleeplessness, sudden angry outbursts, aversion to emotional intimacy and other fallouts from his post-traumatic stress disorder. His wife is being deported because she was brought to the US illegally by her mother when she was 6 years old. The veteran says his 23 year old wife is "his everything". How do you feel about this situation?
  2. As you are probably aware, the White house has singled out Fox News as not a news network but rather " a wing of the Republican Party." Do you feel it is appropriate for an administration to try and silence a news organization [sic] because "they were attacking members of the administration and they were organizing political opposition on their shows?"
  3. Should the Federal Government govern salaries of the top executives and officials of companies "bailout monies" and the loan remains unpaid and outstanding? Does the fact that some of these executives and officials had valid salary and bonus contracts with the companies before the "bailout loans" were made affect your opinion?
  4. There has been a controversy related the H1N1 swine flu shots. Do you feel the controversy has any merit?
Regarding item #2:
Newsweek: Weisberg, Meacham

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 19, 2009 meeting

Regular meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m. at Montecito Clubhouse.

Here are the announced topics:
  1. California is in dire need of raising revenue to cover the large deficit in the budget. Various proposals have been advanced. Some of the proposals which we can discuss are (a) off-shore drilling for oil, (b) modify proposition 13, and (c) replace some of the income tax rates with an expanded sales tax on food, medicine and various services which are presently exempt. Can you offer some other proposals which would be more effective or more fair?
  2. A memorial to the veterans of WW 1 was erected in the 1930s in the Mojave National Preserve in the form of a large cross. It has been challenged in the Supreme Court on the constitutional grounds of separation of church and state. How should the Justices vote?
  3. Should owners of property in high risk areas of fires and floods be charged a surcharge annually to offset the costs of dealing with these calamities? Should they be allowed to build or rebuild in these areas?
Regarding item #2:
If you're a resident and would like to get meeting notices, please submit your email address at one of our meetings or join the group's mailing list at Google Group SCSHTD.

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009 meeting

Meetings are currently set for 1st and 3rd Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m. at Montecito Clubhouse.

If you're a resident and would like to get meeting notices with discussion topics, please submit your email address at one of our meetings or join the group's mailing list at Google Group SCSHTD.

Monday, August 31, 2009

California sales tax / President Obama / the news / the Universe

The topics (or questions) for our Monday, September 14, meeting are:
  1. Should California which needs money pass a law to collect sales tax from internet sales to California residents? And charge out of state sales tax too? [sic]
  2. Obama opposition
  3. How do you get the news?
  4. What is our place in the Universe?
At the meeting:
  • items 2 thru 4 were deferred
  • a discussion was led by Pete Andersen about the HOA meeting that day and new nearby schools.
Meetings are set for 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, rather than every other week as previously. Next are October 5 and 19.

Regarding item #2:
article from Pete
Maureen Dowd , TNR: Tea'd Off, Newsweek's George Will: Why No One Believes Obama
It's been a big week for anti-anti-racism. Virtually the entire conservative world has waxed indignant about Jimmy Carter's suggestion that racism is responsible for the unusual virulence of anti-Obama sentiment.
video update:

Regarding item #4:
Newsweek: Aliens exist
From another blog of mine: a tale of two Drakes

Sunday, August 2, 2009

national health care / California sales tax

This was the covered topic for our Monday, August 17 (changed from the 10th), meeting:
  • What is the real Health Plan that is in Congress? Will it benefit us when it is passed? [sic]
See SCSHTD group (email archive) for past meeting notices. [It's been a privilege serving as chairman of the agenda committee. See my thoughts on that job. Also, see my entry on how SCPD does it.]

We touched on national health care recently. See my notes for our June 26 meeting.

I inquired with Lynn about when the homeowners would take control of the HOA. She replied as follows:
The governing documents do specify that the developer will lose 2 positions on the Board at the annual meeting following reaching 75% of the lots authorized in the tentative subdivision map being closed. Based on sales projections that I have been given by the developer that will not happen before the 2009 annual meeting but may happen prior to the 2010 annual meeting. I will be writing an article soon discussing the upcoming annual meeting as well as how all of this works as we progress from a majority of developer members on the board to a majority of homeowner members on the board.
And in the news ... some developers have walked away from their developments before completion. How has that affected the homeowners therein?

I gave an update from resident Don Hauser about a/c problems; see my updated entry for our June 26 meeting. As regards such problems elsewhere, you might wish to look at this anecdotal site.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

bailout bonuses / Sotomayor / water

Now that we're on a summer (monthly) schedule, here's what-I-consider interesting viewing:
satire from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central, new episodes locally M-Th 11 p.m. on Time Warner cable channel 56.

Friday, July 3, 2009

California hi-speed train / stimulus money

Two questions for our meeting on Monday, 7/13:
  1. What are the economic values for LA to San Francisco hi speed rail line?
  2. Where is our stimulus monies coming from? What happens if china refuses to buy our loan issues?
Our Steve Rive presented on compact florescent lamps.

Following meetings:
Monday, 8/10 at 7:00pm
Monday, 9/14 at 7:00pm
Regular every two week schedule will begin again on 10/5 at 7:00pm

Regarding Item #1:

Regarding Item #2:
Earlier post: The Stimulus Package
Geithner on CNN: Where we are now

Friday, June 26, 2009

air conditioning units / national health care / energy

Our next meeting is Monday, June 29, with these suggested topics:
  1. Phase 1&2 a/c unit concerns - presentation by resident Don Hauser
  2. Two major reforms, which the President ran on, are before Congress now. Can further government action improve
  • Health care?
  • Energy supply and demand?
Regarding item #1:
The claim is that the metal pans, below the attic evaporators in many homes here, are rusting away and will eventually cause failure in those units, possibly extending to ceiling damage.

Regarding item #2a:
infantile denial lies at the heart of much contemporary political disaffection
NY Times editorial: A Public Health Plan
Obama started by courting the major interest groups, and so far none of them—insurers, drug companies, hospitals, or doctors—has come out against him. He has repeatedly stated his flexibility and openness to compromise. Instead of proposing a plan, or even endorsing any specific policies, he has laid out eight broad principles—universality, affordability, portability, quality, choice, prevention, fiscal sustainability, and financial protection—and left the rest to Congress.

Regarding item #2b:
A sense of doom or shame only motivates a small segment of the public — and puts off the rest
The piece errs, as so many do, in not drawing a distinction between climate change and energy use.

See also another blog of mine and post there: Jimmy Carter's malaise speech.
This is my principal concern; I can't emphasize this enough. It's summarized in this 2004 interview with Richard Heinberg. Here are active links updated from those in the interview: Richard Heinberg's Museletter and Energy Bulletin.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

parental authority / California budget / President Obama

Our next meeting is Monday, June 15, with these suggested topics:
  1. What happened to the mother who ran with her son so as to avoid subjecting him to chemotherapy? Does government know best?
  2. What's a gubernator to do on B-day?
  3. Is there merit in assertions (afloat in some circles) about the new president?
  • That he is a secret Muslim with a forged birth certificate.
  • That he stole the election with an ACORN.
  • That he seeks to perpetuate power by taking control of the Census.
  • That he runs the country with 16 (or 17) czars.
  • That the economy is all his fault.
Regarding item #1:
Regarding item #2:
from WSJ
Lawmakers must pass a balanced budget by June 15 for the state to obtain its annual loans from Wall Street.
also: csmonitor, publicradio, scpr, kcrw, MSNBC

Regarding item #3:
NYT: Rich re Fox News
PBS Frontline: Breaking the Bank


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

torture / technology / the economy

Switching to once a month summer schedule, July through September, on the 2nd Mondays.

We discussed these topics at our meeting on Monday, June 1:
  1. the torture debate
  2. technology
  3. the economy  
Regarding the economy:
NY Times on GM: The Quagmire Ahead

Friday, May 8, 2009

housing meeting / assisted suicide / any good news?

Our next meeting is Monday, May 18, with these suggested topics:
  1. Housing Information meeting - Did you learn anything?
  2. Assisted suicide - Should it be made legal?
  3. Is there any good news to report?
Regarding item #1:

Regarding item #2:

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Housing Information Presentation

Our Housing Information Committee gave its presentation today to a full ballroom (from a full parking lot).  Here's a (Group) page with the agenda and some links.

Friday, April 17, 2009

100 days

Our meeting on Monday, April 20, at 7:00 pm, has this suggested topic:
How is President Obama handling:
Foreign policy?
  • Iraq /Iran
  • Afghanistan / Pakistan
  • Piracy
  • Mexico and the Americas
The Environment and Energy?
  • EPA finding about CO2
  • World oil supply
The Economy?

Re Pakistan & Afghanistan:
PBS Frontline World: Where Women Are Flogged...

Also, see earlier posts such as on The Economy and oil.

Friday, March 20, 2009

stock picks / reverse mortgages

Our next meeting is Monday, March 23, at 7:00 pm, with these suggested topics: 
  1. Stock picks in this recession, led by Marvin Sage, followed by 
  2. Reverse mortgages presented by resident/broker Carol Buzzard 
  3. Added: presentation by Aggie Jordan re housing informational meeting, May 7.
Regarding item #2:
Carol J. Buzzard, Reverse Mortgage Specialist

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

SCPD forum club - euthanasia

Tonight I attended an excellent presentation and discussion at Sun City Palm Desert about doctor-assisted dying and hospice care.

The first part was given by Anita Rufus, a local media personality, and activist on this issue. Anita works with the organization, Partnership For End-of-life Choices. Through that organization, you can obtain a better Health Care directive than is standard in California; please check this out.

In answer to a question about drugs used to end life, Anita, in her forthright manner, mentioned the book Final Exit by Derek Humphrey, who founded the former Hemlock Society. There's a case in Georgia now that may clarify what is permissible in advising folks in 'dispatching' themselves. 4/22/09 Update: MSNBC Suicide group's manual urges celebrations.

The second part was given by Lisa Stork, a counselor/RN with Eisenhower Medical Center, who advises on hospice care, such as is given by Odyssey Healthcare. She pointed out the fact that many who are nearing death refuse food and water, and it is best to heed those wishes.

I earlier wrote about the SCPD Forum Club.

Friday, March 6, 2009

U.S. foreign policy / local favorites

Our next meeting is Monday, March 9, at 7:00 pm, with these suggested topics:
  1. Has U.S. foreign policy changed for the better?  
  2. What are your favorite local shops and eateries?
Regarding item #1:
Clinton visits to Asia and the middle East, not-so-secret letters to Russia, etc.

Friday, February 20, 2009

marijuana / the economy

Our meeting, Monday, February 23, has these suggested topics:
1. Decriminalization of marijuana
  • Palm Springs dispensaries
  • How’s it working in Holland?
2. The Economy: What’s New
  • The new $75 billion housing relief plan
  • Catchwords: systemic failure, moral hazard

Regarding item #1:
Desert Sun: Medical pot shops OK'd by city (and earlier)
The Marijuana Anti-Prohibition Project
Wikipedia: Drug policy of the Netherlands, Arguments for and against
George Will: Bootleggers’ Delights (also applies to item #2)

Regarding item #2:
MSNBC: Housing relief plan won't help all at risk, Why do I have to pay my neighbor’s mortgage?
David Brooks: Money for Idiots
Newsweek: We Are All Socialists Now

Updates on the economy:
This American Life (upcoming): Bad Bank

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

intelligent life? / local recommendations

The suggested topics for our meeting on Monday, February 9, '09, were:
  1. Are we alone in the universe?
  2. What local stores and restaurants do you like especially?
Regarding item 1: 
a book on the subject from the 60's: Intelligent Life in the Universe
      refers to Drake's equation, here's my take on Drake
from Netflix (and sometimes on cable): Cosmos: The Complete Collection

Regarding item 2: 
Here's a list of recommendations by residents of SCPD as of 1/15/09, Ruth's List.  Updates usually come out after the middle of each month but require subscription to Yahoo SCPD.  
Speaking of SCPD, their monthly magazine is available for perusal here News and Views.

Friday, January 23, 2009

films / tv

The suggested topics for our meeting on Monday, January 26, '08, are:
  1. Recent films, film festivals and award shows.
  2. Current TV shows
Regarding item 1: 
2009 Palm Springs International Film Festival: official site, Desert Sun (active pages)
Sundance Film Festival: official site, NY Times article

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

SCPD Forum Club

I attended our neighboring Sun City discussion club meeting tonight. Their meetings are monthly from 7 to 9 p.m., like ours. Because they have some upwards of 50 people attending, their discussion takes place at round tables of about 8 people. First, they have a speaker who presents the topic; tonight's speaker spoke for some 45 minutes. Discussion is led by a moderator at each table who afterward summarizes the discussion to the group as a whole.

Tonight's speaker was Marvin Epstein (with rather impressive bio) and the topic was:
The U.N., NATO & American Global Domination.
Upcoming meetings & topics are:
  • Feb. 11 - Capital Punishment - D.A. vs. Public Defender
  • Mar. 11 - Euthanasia
  • April 15 - 100 day status of Obama administration - Morris Beschloss (see his DS column & blog)
  • May 13 - Decriminilizing Drugs
  • June 10 - Topical subjects, finger foods and dessert
  • July, Aug. & Sept. - dark
SCPD Forum Club meetings are held in the Oasis Room at the second clubhouse, Sunset View. Guests are allowed.

Note the use of the word 'topical' for their June 10 meeting. See Jon Meacham's recent use of the term in Newsweek, to wit:
there is often a disconnect between the topical and the truly long--lasting

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting older / medical ethics

The topics selected for our meeting on Monday, January 12, '08, are:
  1. Getting older
  2. medical ethics
Regarding item 1, update:

Regarding item 2: