Our regular meetings during the season are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m.
Look at http://www.scshca.com/Events_and_Activities/Calendar.htm to confirm.
Meeting announcements*, with suggested topics, can be found in the club's group archive (sign on req'd).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

December 7, 2009, meeting

Here's the meeting announcement* from Al:
As of this date [Nov. 25], I am not sure if Councilman Miller will be with us. So we have 4 topics for discussion assuming he does not come. If he does, we will do as many as time allows.
  1. Should the alleged 9/11 terrorists be subject to a military or civilian court? Why? Should the prisoners in Gitmo be housed there or should it be closed and the prisoners be brought to a prison in the U.S.?
  2. Do you think that the right lane on Jefferson at the entrance to Shadow Hills be made a mandatory right turn lane? If so, should our club start a petition drive to be presented to the HOA and the city of Indio to make it happen?
  3. Should the UN be reconstructed or should we just get out because it has been ineffective?
Also, 2 developer presentations are scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 3, at 4 and 5:30. Those will likely come up for discussion at our club's meeting on the 7th. ... The question came up again about the legality of golf carts driving on or crossing 40th street. One wonders if prospective buyers are informed about this unresolved problem. The executive golf course in Phase 3 opens to residents on 12/8 and to the general public in January.
CA law re golf carts: on Local Highways and Crossing Zones


John Weiser said...

I attended the first of the 2 developer meetings. Here are some of my observations:
Sales is selling a house every other day, 4 times more than any other builder and more than any other Pulte property. The Powerpoint had all the numbers; I believe they'll put it on the website.
Customer service will be handled by one central location for southern California including by email. 'Everyone has email'. Staff says it'll provide better and quicker service that is 'triaged'.
Someone asked about shattered shower doors. Staff says these are few (someone else says 8) and not covered under warranty after 1 year.
Golf carts still can't legally venture on or across 40th street; I get not sense that anything is being worked out with the city.

John Weiser said...

Item 3 about the U.N. was not covered for lack of time. Nor was the developer forum.
Councilman Miller came in as we were discussing item 2, and he explained the process whereby the traffic pattern could be changed. Mr. Miller answered well the many questions posed by Dow Tunis and some others. He spoke of his participation in various county and valley committees, city efforts with regard to water storage and availability and budget shortfalls.