Our regular meetings during the season are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m.
Look at http://www.scshca.com/Events_and_Activities/Calendar.htm to confirm.
Meeting announcements*, with suggested topics, can be found in the club's group archive (sign on req'd).

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 26, 2011

Topical Discussion Group Agenda for January 26. 2011
  1. Governor Brown is proposing a State Budget of 84.6 Billion dollars; some of the proposals will be handed out for your information and discussion at our meeting
  2. Is the Lame Duck Session (of the Federal Government) an outdated concern. Ref: WSJ, 11/18/10 Page A23-“This Lame Duck Session Should be the Last”.
  3. Should the State pass legislation limiting the number of appeals granted in death penalty cases?   Ref: LA Times 12/29/10
  4. Should hand gun magazines with more than 8 cartridges be banned?

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