Our regular meetings during the season are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m.
Look at http://www.scshca.com/Events_and_Activities/Calendar.htm to confirm.
Meeting announcements*, with suggested topics, can be found in the club's group archive (sign on req'd).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 25, 2011

An invitation to all members and guests to state their ideas for a stimulating new approach to be used for next season's "GUEST SPEAKER AND DISCUSSION" type meetings.

Here are some of my own suggestions for broad topics with potential local speakers:
  • Getting Older - health, caregivers, transition, long-term
  • Other Clubs - leadership from Clubs and Groups like Loss and Grief 
  • Real Estate - Aggie Jordan update?
  • Interesting people in our community - a call for stories
  • The future - Fears, Jon Stewart, Cosmic Log
We've had various speakers at our meetings in the past, like from CVWD, Shadow Hills High School. etc.

Here are notes from our neighbor Sun City's Forum Club meetings this past season: http://scpdca.com/news_views/

November 2010 - Immigration Both sides of this very interesting issue will be presented by two highly qualified guest speakers. Presenting information and arguments on the “Immigration Rights” side will be Mr. Karan Kler, executive director of Coachella Valley Immigration Service Assistance, a nonprofit immigration counseling agency in Palm Springs. Mr. Scott Powelson, a member of the Executive Board of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform in Huntington Beach, will have equal time to present information and arguments on the “Rule of Law” side of this contentious issue

December - to review the results of the mid term elections of last month and the implications they present. Sun City resident and former Forum Club president, Arnie Shane, will lead the club in a discussion of what to expect in the future as a result of the national and local election

January - Can the gridlock in Sacramento be broken? Representatives from the Democratic and Republican viewpoints will present assessments of the changing political landscape. Among the topics for discussion will be: The impact of both  a democratic governor and legislature; changes in termed out legislators; Proposition 25 and budget passing by simple majority; open primaries; legislative redistricting; Proposition 26,fees and other financial assessments, subject to a 2/3 majority passage. Perhaps the axiom, “the more things change, the more they stay the same” will be tested for its validity

February -  “ What is America’s future as a world power?” Consider the following: 1. What made the United States become the most powerful nation in the 20th Century? Was it luck, know how or leadership? 2. Why has America declined? Is it the economy? Has society changed? Is it failed leadership? 3. How does the United States compare to other major powers? 4. What needs to be done? Should the United States continue to play the role of world policeman? Will the nation face bankruptcy? Come and hear our speaker: Ron Oard, Professor Emeritus in History and Political Science, Mount St. Mary College, Los Angeles, followed by our roundtable discussions

March - How will the 2010 HealthCare Bill affect you? Mr. Michael Landes, the President of the Eisenhower Medical Center Foundation, will address this most important question. It is likely that the Bill will affect virtually everybody in the United States. Mr. Landes, due to his close association with the Eisenhower Medical Center (EMC) and his prior career in medical education development and delivery, is uniquely qualified to discuss the subject. You don’t want to miss this very informative program. He will discuss the following issues: What is the likely affect on SCPD residents?; Overall pros and cons of the Bill; Changes to EMC to adapt to the new law; How can the Bill be changed to improve it?; Are we headed for a single payer system?

April -  two speakers with Jim Evidon speaking on The Military Industrial Complex and Professor Ronald Oard addressing America’s role in global  imperialism. Focusing on: 1. The Military/Industrial  complex and what should be its role in the world?  2. The United States’ role in its commitment to world peace?  3. The role of foreign aid in United States policies. 4. The State Department with the Defense department and their contacts with foreign governments.  Are we big brother to the world?

May - a potpourri of subjects.  It could be: Global Islam, or Healthcare, or the Middle East, or U.S.-China relations, or Global Warming,or the Economy, or Israel’s survival or all of the above.  Moderators will head up the discussions.

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